Therapy Team
A West Virginia Early Intervention Therapy Provider for
Infants and Toddles who are enrolled in the West Virginia Birth to Three program,
Movement milestones
Climbs well
Walks down stairs alone, place both feet on each step
Walks up stairs alternating feet with support
Swings leg to kick ball
Runs easily
Pedals tricycle
Bends over easily without falling
Hand and Finger milestones
Makes vertical, horizontal, circular strokes with pencil or crayon
Turns book pages one at a time
Builds a tower of more than 6 blocks
Holds a pencil in writing position
Screws and unscrews jar ids
Turns rotating handles
Language milestones
Recognizes and identifies almost all common objects and pictures
Understands most sentences
Understands physical relationships (on, in, under)
Says name, age, and sex
Uses pronouns (I, you, me, we, they)
Begins speaking clearly enough for strangers to understand most of words
Cognitive milestones
Makes mechanical toys work
Matches an object in hand or room to a picture in a book
Plays make-believe with dolls, animals and people
Sorts objects by color
Completes puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces
Understands concept of "two"
Social/Emotional milestones
Separates easily from parents
Expresses a wide range of emotions
Objects to major changes in routine
Remember, all children develop differently, and these are general milestones meant as a guidleine. However, if you have any concerns that your child may be dealyed in one or more of these areas, you can click HERE to visit West Virginia Birth to Three and make a referal, or call 1-866-321-4728.