Therapy Team
A West Virginia Early Intervention Therapy Provider for
Infants and Toddles who are enrolled in the West Virginia Birth to Three program,
Movement milestones
Walks alone
Pulls toys behind him while walking
Carries large toy or several toys while walking
Begins to run stiffly
Walks into ball
Climbs unto and down from furniture unsupported
Walks up and down stairs holding on to support
Hand and Finger milestones
Scribbles spontaneously
Turns over container to pour out contents
Builds tower of four blocks or more
Language milestones
Points to object or picture when it's named for her
Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
Says several single words
Uses two word sentences
Follows simple, one-step instructions
Repeats words overheard in conversations
Cognitive milestones
Finds objects even when hidden under 2 or 3 covers
Begins to sort shapes and colors
Begins make-believe play
Social/Emotional milestones
Imitates behavior of others, especially adults and older children
Becomes increasingly enthusiastic about company or other children
Demonstrates increasing independence
Begins to show defiant behavior
Episodes of separation anxiety increase toward midyear, then fade
Remember, all children develop differently, and these are general milestones meant as a guidleine. However, if you have any concerns that your child may be dealyed in one or more of these areas, you can click HERE to visit West Virginia Birth to Three and make a referal, or call 1-866-321-4728.